Our new Nashville location is under construction & opens later this spring.


The 16 Best BBQ Joints in Memphis, According to Local Experts

The 16 Best BBQ Joints in Memphis, According to Local Experts

From burnt ends to brisket and beyond, these are your best bets for smoked meat in Memphis. Read full article here!
Crunchy Pulled Pork Tacos

Crunchy Pulled Pork Tacos

What CAN'T you do with pulled pork? Try these delicious crunchy pulled pork tacos for dinner!
Pulled Pork Grilled Cheese

Pulled Pork Grilled Cheese

A grilled cheese with an upgrade! Add pulled pork to the classic for a delicious meal.
Pulled Pork Arepas

Pulled Pork Arepas

We're thinking outside the box and preparing pulled pork arepas!
Fan Favorite: Nachos on House Chips

Fan Favorite: Nachos on House Chips

In honor of March Madness, watch Jeff show you how to make a CBQ fan favorite, nachos on house chips!
CBQ Upside Down Pizza

CBQ Upside Down Pizza

 Click here for video!   Ingredients 1 Package of pre-made pizza dough 1 cup CBQ pulled pork (chopped) 3/4 cup shredded mozzarella 1 cup choice C...
CBQ BBQ Baked Potato

CBQ BBQ Baked Potato

   CBQ BBQ Baked Potato  Ingredients 8 small potatoes 1 lb CBQ pulled pork 8 oz. shredded cheese 3 tbsp butter 3/4 cup of your favorite CBQ BBQ sa...
Lessons from Craig - Sauces 101

Lessons from Craig - Sauces 101

Craig highlights several different types of regional BBQ sauces. His biggest tip this month? If you choose to use a sauce, warm it first to ensure ...
a picture of a man in a long-sleeved blue shirt and a Central BBQ meat hat next to him

Lessons from Craig - High on the Hog

Lessons from Craig Watch our co-founder, Craig Blondis, and learn the origin of "high on the hog" and how it relates to Central BBQ's delicious, s...
Central BBQ